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Once a baby is born, a common concern for many new mothers is “When do periods start after birth?”

Given the importance of menstrual periods to our bodies and lives, this is a legitimate cause for concern.

Although there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, knowing what’s going on and how to navigate your particular postpartum experience can help provide clarity and comfort.

You were explaining when you might anticipate getting your period again, taking into account considerations like breastfeeding, personal health, and other variables.

Knowing the difference between your menstrual cycle and postpartum hemorrhage (lochia) can prevent confusion.

See “When do periods start after birth” for yourself:

The following eight facts can help you understand “when periods start after giving birth”.

1. Varies for Every Woman:

Every woman experiences her menstrual cycle at a different time following motherhood. It could happen to some women as soon as a few weeks after giving birth, and it might take months for others.

2. Periods Can Be Delayed by Breastfeeding:

It’s typical for periods to be delayed if you’re breastfeeding full-time. Because prolactin is the hormone that causes milk to be produced, breastfeeding can reduce menstruation and ovulation.

3. Formula Feeding May Cause an Early Return:

Compared to women who exclusively breastfeed, women who are not breastfeeding or who use formula to supplement breastfeeding may experience an earlier return of their periods.

4. Postpartum Bleeding:

In the days and weeks after giving birth, you will your body will bleed, a condition called lochia. This discharge is the result of the uterine lining and extra blood from the pregnancy, not your menstruation.

5. Hormonal Changes:

During and after pregnancy, your body experiences major hormonal changes. These hormones need time to stabilize, which may affect when your menstrual cycle returns.

6. First Period May Differ:

Your first period may differ from your pre-pregnancy periods when it does return. As your body adjusts, it may become heavier, lighter, or irregular.

7. Speak with your physician:

It is always a good idea to speak with your healthcare physician if you have questions regarding the time or characteristics of your postpartum periods. They can provide direction and handle any possible problems.

8. Emotional Adjustment:

During their initial postpartum period, some women go through emotional upheavals. It could serve as a reminder of how their body and life changed after giving birth. Discussing these emotions with loved ones, friends, or a medical professional might be beneficial.

When Do Periods Start After Birth

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1. How long till my period comes back after having birth?

It varies depending on the individual but usually takes four weeks to a year. There is no predetermined time frame, and your unique experience is influenced by many circumstances.

2. What elements influence the return of my menstruation?

The primary causes are:

Breastfeeding: Because it inhibits ovulation, nursing, particularly exclusive breastfeeding, causes your period to arrive later. Periods usually return with bottle-feeding or mixed feedings sooner (4-6 weeks).

General health: Your weight and general health may be factors.

Age: Younger women might see a recurrence of their periods earlier than older ones.

3. What distinguishes my period from postpartum hemorrhage?

After delivery, postpartum hemorrhage, or lochia, starts and lasts for four to eight weeks. It starts heavier and tapers off gradually, frequently turning brown instead of crimson. When your menstruation returns, it will resemble the periods you had before becoming pregnant.

4. After a year, if my period hasn’t returned, should I be worried?

See your doctor to rule out any underlying difficulties if, after a year, your period hasn’t returned and you’re not breastfeeding.

5. How will my postpartum period be the first time?

It might be heavier, lighter, shorter, or more erratic than your pre-pregnancy cycles, but it might also be identical. Allow your body to acclimate.


Women’s timing of “when periods start after birth” varies widely and is impacted by many factors, including breastfeeding and personal health. Although there isn’t a set time frame, knowledge of one’s own body, the subtleties of postpartum sensations, and the distinction between monthly cycles and postpartum hemorrhage (lochia) can all offer comfort and clarity during this period of transition. Ultimately, you may confidently handle this element of postpartum recovery by remaining aware and obtaining assistance from healthcare professionals.

Know more about period problems: Including painful periods, heavy periods, PMS, and adenomyosis