
Below is a list of the Medical Conditions which the Consultants at North West Gynaecology will be able to help you with:

Prolapse of Pelvic Organs

Introduction Up to half of the normal female population will develop pelvic floor weakness which may lead to either pelvic organ prolapse or urinary incontinence during their lifetime. Population studies have shown that a woman up to the age of 80 years has an 11% risk of needing surgery for pelvic floor weakness.

Recurrent Miscarriage

What is it? Recurrent miscarriage (RM) is the consecutive loss of three or more pregnancies through miscarriage. These miscarriages typically occur after the pregnancy has been detected by ultrasound but might also occur at much earlier stages following only positive pregnancy tests.

Stress of Infertility

Many people consider coping with infertility (involuntary childlessness) and its various treatments as similar to being on a roller coaster. The roller coaster effect refers to the huge ups and downs that couples and individuals go through in their attempts to achieve a pregnancy.

Urinary Incontinence

The two most common types of urinary incontinence are: 1. Stress incontinence         Urinary leakage with any form of physical exertion. (see above) 2. Urgency incontinence        Urinary leakage associated with urgency or the inability to delay passing urine.

Vaginal Spasm

What is it? This condition is commonly called ‘vaginismus’. It refers to the occasional painful contractions of the lower vaginal muscles that can occur in some women without their control. These may happen during sexual penetration, vaginal examination, or insertion of a tampon into the vagina.