You are currently viewing 7 Myths, Facts About Infertility

The emptiness and stillness enclosing infertility have given rise to many myths and misconceptions

Many believe these myths to be medical facts, which makes them even more significant. If you have gone through infertility, you have probably received a lot of unwanted advice about Facts About Infertility and how to get pregnant.

You are not alone in who is facing this problem. Infertility is very common indeed. In the United States, around 1 in 8 couples face severe problems to get pregnant. 

Yet the suggestion they may listen to is usually not only unhelpful but is sometimes downright false.

Below are the 7 most common myths about infertility and the truth that lies behind them from the best Gynecologist in Manchester.

1. When we talk about age in fertility, it affects only women, not men.

Although growing age may not concern men as much as their female companions, their biological fertility also declines after the age of 40.

As men age, their sperm count too, which concerns many semen parameters. Aging is also linked with low sperm count and a drop in the inborn quality of sperm.

Proper planning and knowledge of facts can help men to deal with this issue.

2. Irregular periods or late periods in women mean you will never be able to conceive.

Women, especially unmarried girls, with unstable menses or late periods usually think that they cannot get pregnant and some may even stop having children altogether.

Although regular periods are a symbol of standard hormonal physiology, irregular periods do not necessarily mean that you cannot conceive. 

This means that your ovulation is concerned and your menses cycle may be out of time which is surely not a good thing and a thing that a woman should be concerned about.

This can happen for a variety of reasons such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOD), thyroid or prolactin disorders, and early start of menopause that requires a targeted method and suitable medical advice.

3. If the couple does not live together, then the couple will never be able to get pregnant.

With more jobs that require an individual to travel or even one of them to move out to a different place, it takes a toll on the couple, especially when they are trying to expand their family.

As per an expert solution— When couples better understand their ovulation and fertile windows, they can plan the process and execute it at their convenience.

4. Infertility only hits the women.

This is a common myth that only women can get hit by infertility. Rebellious to this widespread belief, men alone contribute to one-third of the causes of infertility in a given population. 

The other 1/3rd is female infertility alone and the rest 1/3rd of cases is infertility in both partners.

The cause of male infertility can be hormonal imbalance, semen irregularities, or issues with sexual parts like erectile dysfunction or problem in outbursts among others.

These are health and sexual wellness problems that should be dealt with. With suitable counseling, you can overcome this issue. 

In these types of cases, partners should visit a fertility specialist in Manchester in order to expand their family.

5. Long-term use of contraception affects fertility of women.

Many women shy away from using long-term contraceptives such as IUDs or even oral pills because they think it will impact their fertility even after they remove or stop their use, but the truth is that contraceptives use, The return to fertility after a proper medical recommendation is almost 100%. 

It is the misusage of contraceptives, absence of routine check-ups with your gynecologists, or skipping some of the signs like an irregular vaginal release that can lead to infertility issues. Infertility is a health condition and individuals should think about it. It needs guidance, care, and a cure. 

Instead of postponing treatment because of humiliation, shame, or family sentiments – it is time to pursue the right recommendation and cure that can support you.

6. You don’t need to worry about infertility if you already have a baby.

Even if a couple is already having a baby or children, they may also go through difficulties in expanding their family later. This type of infertility is called secondary infertility.

People think that just because we already have a baby, they can easily have another whenever they want. 

They use your fertility for all of your pregnancies, and we have learned very quickly that this is unstable.

7. Your health and fitness does not affect your fertility.

In fact, one of the biggest factors of fertility for both men and women comes down to health and fitness.

If we try to live a healthy and fit lifestyle, it will really help to overcome infertility issues. 

Before you start thinking about having a baby, you need to know your body, listen to your body, and try to stay healthy.

Wrapping Up!!!

Above in this article, we have discussed some of the widespread misconceptions and myths related to infertility. These myths and misconceptions can affect anyone’s life. 

So don’t believe in any myths and misconceptions, instead consult your fertility specialist in Manchester if you want to know about your body or if you are planning to expand your family. 

It is the best option for you to visit your gynecologist in Manchester if you are planning your first pregnancy or going for a second pregnancy.

And if you are a couple who is staying in Manchester and want the best consultation then you can come and visit one of the best fertility clinics in town, i.e; North West Gynecology, and fix your appointment with our best fertility specialists in Manchester!!!